Patrick Byrne
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“We cannot achieve our goals if there are threats or acts of violence. This movement is a peaceful protest & we do not condone any acts of violence, etc. We know there will be activists working at the behest of global authoritarians & think tanks to sabotage our movement. Because of this, we must have a zero-tolerance approach to aggressive behaviour & violence.”
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Discussion: Dr. Simone Gold Goes Nuclear to Protect Military

First Dr. Gold filed a case to stop forced vaccinations on military personnel who had already had Covid-19. Two Army Colonels gave her affidavits so powerful that she has expanded her case so that she is now seeking an injunction on forced Covid-19 vaccinations for ALL military personnel. Listen in and learn how Simone is protecting our military with this federal injunction. (How long do you think it is before we get it expanded to include all federal employees? I hope that before they bury me UNDER Guantanamo they let me finish this one up for them!)

This is unreal. Listen to what her whistleblowers have to say. I walk through it and provide links here. At least they have solved the riddle of why people are having adverse reactions: someone apparently stole some Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and did mass spectrometry, and discovered they contain "significant" amounts of known toxic not-fit-for-human-or-animal-use ingredients. That seems odd.

So give this 10 minutes of attention. And forward this to anyone you know in the military concerned about this issue. They need to reach out to the lawyers named herein.

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Update from Germany (intelligible version)

And yes, astute readers will note that I recorded this after I had come north from Germany into Denmark (hence, my mention of "Copenhagen" ).

Update from Germany
Thoughts from Nuremberg on the Present Situation

Standing outside the Museum of the Nuremberg Trials, I give you my thoghts on Nuremberg (Nurnberg), its role in Nazi history and its aftermath, including the Nuremberg Trials, the Nuremberg Convention, and its violation over the last 5 years but precisely those people who should have known better.

Associated Press Michelle Smith & I: Telephone Recording

For extra credit, and if the only alternative use of your next 33 minutes would be spraying your face with lighter fluid, setting it afire, and trying to put it out with a fork, you might prefer to listen to this additional recording of a telephone conversation between AP's Michelle Smith and me (recorded with her permission a few days after our Rochester encounter), to enrichen your experience of what it is like talking to an MSM journalist.

Associated Press Michelle Smith & I: Telephone Recording
🔥 FREE PODCAST: Gen. Michael Flynn There's one thing I learned in my political persecution. The truth will come out, and it IS coming out! If there's corruption, criminal activity, and malfeasance, the American people are going to be very unforgiving!

🚨 If you appreciate the updates, news, and videos, PLEASE "Give Once" with this link OR "Subscribe" for just 16 CENTS per day here ➡ ⬅ 100% of your gift/subscription is donated to The America Project. 🚨

"...if there's corruption, criminal activity, and malfeasance, to use your words, then the American people are not -- they're going to be very unforgiving," Flynn said. "So it's better to come out sooner than later, because if it comes out later, I'm afraid that the American people will take actions into their own hands."

He spoke as amid GOP-led audits of 2020 presidential election votes in Arizona's Maricopa County and in Georgia's Fulton County.

"What I'm trying to encourage is local action has a national impact. Get involved in your communities," Flynn said. "I'm seeing more and more people get involved at the local, township, parishes, and county levels. And American people are not – they're like a pit bull right now on this ...

🔥 FREE PODCAST: Gen. Michael Flynn There's one thing I learned in my political persecution. The truth will come out, and it IS coming out! If there's corruption, criminal activity, and malfeasance, the American people are going to be very unforgiving!
💥 There's a reason democrats are losing their toupees over trying to get the audit shut down.

The astounding level of corruption in elections is just the start. Patrick Byrne joins Tore for an interview covering his new book "The Deep Rig". Patrick also describes his activist organizations, Arizona audit news, the election fraud evidence, bamboo ballots, pitiful corrupt Dims, and physical intimidation from BLM and Antifa. There's more. The Plum Island move, public involvement fighting it, the free future of America, and real plans to get us there. These two great patriots agree the weeks ahead will be historic. This discussion provides hope that good prevails over evil, and the light of truth will soon shine through.

The Deep Rig - Tore Says Interviews Patrick Byrne

💥 There's a reason democrats are losing their toupees over trying to get the audit shut down.
Roseanne Barr Releases New Podcast Interview with Me

Roseanne interviewed me for nearly 2 hours. She just released the interview, and calls it "perhaps the most fascinating and likely the most important story ever told."

THIS is your nuclear-tipped hypersonic missile: to fire it, just spread the link!

💥💥 Explosive revelations await in Patrick Byrne's upcoming memoir, "Danger Close: Domestic Extremist Threat 1 Comes Clean"! 💥💥

Former CEO exposes shocking #governmentcorruption, backed by #GeneralFlynn and #MariaButina.

Get ready for a deep dive into power dynamics, challenging the status quo!

#DangerClose #PatrickByrne #GovernmentCorruption #MustRead #2024Election

Get your Kindle version here:

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George Orwell's prescient work 1984 foresees tyranny's need for propaganda that renders listeners incapable of critical thought, to the point that they cannot process what is in front of their eyes.


Fine illustration was given in the early minutes of the movie 1984, as we learn the daily routine of Winston (the protagonist). To a loudspeaker incessantly broadcasting statistics demonstrating Big Brother's progress in all areas of life, we witness their physical impoverishment (a colleague asking for a razor blade learns that Winston has been using the same blade for six weeks), as well as (through another colleague) Big Brother's assault on language as a way to control thought. We also witness the inability of the brainwashed to process the world they inhabit: the loudspeaker's lies about Big Brother's successes cheers up Parson while he works his way through a bowl of mush and meat-substitute. He is so indoctrinated he cannot process the reality in which he is sitting or even the food he is tasting.


Here is another situation that resembles this scene from 1984. Yesterday in the United States Senate, a British actuary presented the following information from the UK (which has excellent public health surveillance): getting vaccinated makes one somewhere between 26% and 145% more likely to die.


British data shows that all-in mortality is 26% to145% higher for vaccinated than non-vaccinated


Yet I know plenty of educated, normally sensible people, who cheerfully continue their defense of Big Brother's handling of Covid-19. They espouse their willingness to continue subjecting themselves to shots with all the alacrity of 1984's Parson, reciting statistics about Big Brother's successes while shoveling down gruel and meat-substitute with gusto.


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