Patrick Byrne
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“We cannot achieve our goals if there are threats or acts of violence. This movement is a peaceful protest & we do not condone any acts of violence, etc. We know there will be activists working at the behest of global authoritarians & think tanks to sabotage our movement. Because of this, we must have a zero-tolerance approach to aggressive behaviour & violence.”
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Nice write up from Uncover DC!

The Deep Rig Documentary Features Patrick Byrne, Michael Flynn, Jovan Pulitzer

🚨 Buy Tickets ➡ ⬅ for "The Deep Rig" Movie Premiere Event on June 26, 2021. Attend the Live Event in Phoenix, AZ or Watch the Livestream Online!

Patrick Byrne has announced this Saturday’s premiere event of the documentary “The Deep Rig” based on his book by the same name. It is subtitled “How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump The White House, By Patrick M. Byrne, A Man Who Didn’t Vote For Him.”

A promotional email received this week called it “This year’s most controversial film” and the “election fraud story of the year,” and read:

“Lifetime libertarian, Patrick M. Byrne and his band of white hat hackers… spent the larger part of 2020 investigating election integrity, only to have their worst fears come true. The 2020 Presidential Election was stolen… Valiant director, Roger Richards presents the most pertinent evidence of election fraud with shocking testimony from ex-intelligence analysts, mathematicians, election fraud experts, and informational warfare specialists.“

Based on the description, movie trailer, and available clips, the movie leans heavily on sit-down interviews with experts and eye-witnesses of “Washington’s double-dealings and international intrigue” and experts on “electronic networks designed to rig any election they conduct.”

“Ask the questions that censorship-happy mainstream media doesn’t want you to ask. Reveal the truth that Twitter sacrificed millions of accounts to hide. Follow the team of lawyers & ‘cyber ninjas’, determined to reveal the facts behind the headlines, to backroom scenes, and through electronic networks designed to rig any election they conduct. Scrutinize for yourself the evidence which paints a portrait of Washington’s double-dealings and international intrigue. And ask yourself ‘Is this the end for the U.S. constitutional republic? Is this the end for democracy?’“

Patrick Byrne is the founder and former CEO of, an early leader in e-commerce. He describes himself as a “lifetime entrepreneur” and “libertarian who did not vote for Trump and has publicly criticized him on numerous occasions” who “believes that the Election 2020 was rigged,” which he says “should be objectionable to every person who believes that ‘just government derives its power from the consent of the governed.‘”

In October 2020, UncoverDC wrote of Byrne’s account wherein he says he was a willing asset in cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). First to feign love and get close to Maria Butina, whom he says was known to the FBI to be operating as an unregistered foreign agent of Russia—then to set up a meeting for exchange of bribe money between Hillary Clinton and a representative for a foreign government who expected her to implement favorable policy in return.

After meeting with Trump following the 2020 election and before the inauguration to unsuccessfully lobby for a course of action that might offer a chance to challenge the results, he began releasing installments of what would eventually become the book that Deep Rig is based on at his DeepCapture website.

The original Deep Capture story marked Byrne’s entry into public advocacy where he organized a team of “freelance researchers, bloggers, gonzo computer hackers, economists, and even a one-time foreign intelligence agent” to investigate what he calls a “circle of corruption enclosing venerable Wall Street Banks, shady offshore financiers, and suspiciously compliant reporters at The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, CNBC, and The New York Times.”

On June 26th, up to 30,000 registrants can attend the live movie premier event of Deep Rig at the Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona from 4-9 pm MST for $25; doors open at 3. The premiere event features a Q & A panel with members from the cast after the screening. That event will also be live-streamed for $45, which includes unlimited playback in perpetuity.

The cast scheduled to appear in the film include:

Michael T. Flynn, Retired Lieutenant General U.S. Army, Intelligence Officer graduate who served as National Security Advisor and Director of Intelligence. General Flynn was interviewed on Dark to Light with our Editor in Chief Tracy Beanz.

Joseph Flynn, Michael’s brother, CEO of two Healthcare IT Services startups and is a Board Member of America’s Future.
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, inventor and entrepreneur who has spoken about voting machines and ballot printing technologies used in the 2020 General Elections.

Matt DePerno, Michigan Constitutional attorney working on election integrity and is featured in Mike Lindell’s Absolute Series and has also been interviewed on Dark to Light.

Phil Waldron, retired U.S. Army Colonel specializing in Reconnaissance & Surveillance and Unconventional & Information Warfare, has worked on researching election results in 3rd world countries and now is doing the same here. Waldron appeared with our contributor Brian Cates for a discussion about forensic audits.

Jesse Binnall, Nevada attorney, election fraud specialist, and parliamentary procedure strategy consultant for four presidential campaigns. Sidney Powell chose him for Mike Flynn’s legal defense team.

Bobby Piton, investment advisor and portfolio manager focusing on data analysis. Piton testified at the Arizona voter fraud hearing.

“Various anonymous cybersecurity analysts”

The documentary’s press kit calls it a Zero Hour Alchemy Production, an Advanced Cinemagraphic Presentation, and a Roger R. Richards Film, produced, co-written, and co-directed by Steve Lucescu, and produced by Byrne. It also promises 100% of profits will be donated to Byrne’s The America Project.


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🔥 FREE PODCAST: Gen. Michael Flynn There's one thing I learned in my political persecution. The truth will come out, and it IS coming out! If there's corruption, criminal activity, and malfeasance, the American people are going to be very unforgiving!

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"...if there's corruption, criminal activity, and malfeasance, to use your words, then the American people are not -- they're going to be very unforgiving," Flynn said. "So it's better to come out sooner than later, because if it comes out later, I'm afraid that the American people will take actions into their own hands."

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🔥 FREE PODCAST: Gen. Michael Flynn There's one thing I learned in my political persecution. The truth will come out, and it IS coming out! If there's corruption, criminal activity, and malfeasance, the American people are going to be very unforgiving!
💥 There's a reason democrats are losing their toupees over trying to get the audit shut down.

The astounding level of corruption in elections is just the start. Patrick Byrne joins Tore for an interview covering his new book "The Deep Rig". Patrick also describes his activist organizations, Arizona audit news, the election fraud evidence, bamboo ballots, pitiful corrupt Dims, and physical intimidation from BLM and Antifa. There's more. The Plum Island move, public involvement fighting it, the free future of America, and real plans to get us there. These two great patriots agree the weeks ahead will be historic. This discussion provides hope that good prevails over evil, and the light of truth will soon shine through.

The Deep Rig - Tore Says Interviews Patrick Byrne

💥 There's a reason democrats are losing their toupees over trying to get the audit shut down.
"The Enemy Within" Watch it here (on Rumble)

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Look forward to seeing you there.

Announcement of How I am Going to Use Locals Going Forward

As you folks maybhave noticed, I have not been as active here as I was in years previously. The allure of reaching such large audiences on Twitter and Rumble seduced me. However, I have realized what I think the right formula will be going forward: I am going to post my explanatory videos on other platforms (along with Locals) in order to reach the masses. And then I am going to do much more frequent live AMA's on this platform, but limiting them to subscribers only (after a few minutes, anyway).

Thanks for sticking with me. It is going to be an exciting few months.

post photo preview

George Orwell's prescient work 1984 foresees tyranny's need for propaganda that renders listeners incapable of critical thought, to the point that they cannot process what is in front of their eyes.


Fine illustration was given in the early minutes of the movie 1984, as we learn the daily routine of Winston (the protagonist). To a loudspeaker incessantly broadcasting statistics demonstrating Big Brother's progress in all areas of life, we witness their physical impoverishment (a colleague asking for a razor blade learns that Winston has been using the same blade for six weeks), as well as (through another colleague) Big Brother's assault on language as a way to control thought. We also witness the inability of the brainwashed to process the world they inhabit: the loudspeaker's lies about Big Brother's successes cheers up Parson while he works his way through a bowl of mush and meat-substitute. He is so indoctrinated he cannot process the reality in which he is sitting or even the food he is tasting.


Here is another situation that resembles this scene from 1984. Yesterday in the United States Senate, a British actuary presented the following information from the UK (which has excellent public health surveillance): getting vaccinated makes one somewhere between 26% and 145% more likely to die.


British data shows that all-in mortality is 26% to145% higher for vaccinated than non-vaccinated


Yet I know plenty of educated, normally sensible people, who cheerfully continue their defense of Big Brother's handling of Covid-19. They espouse their willingness to continue subjecting themselves to shots with all the alacrity of 1984's Parson, reciting statistics about Big Brother's successes while shoveling down gruel and meat-substitute with gusto.


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