A Message to Militias Across America Regarding the Goon-Left and Agents Provocateurs (Not the Lingerie)
JANUARY 17, 2021
On the morning of January 6 a stranger approached me and told me he was a militia member. He spoke of a concept with which I was unfamiliar, “The 3%”, and said it was a reference to the fraction of the population who fought and won our Revolution. The stranger told me there were tens of thousands of them around the county in communications on the dark web, armed and ready. He told me something that blew my mind: they know who I am, and are willing to do whatever I tell them needs to be done. I just need to give the word.
Then and now I found that statement so hard to absorb it was difficult to respond. All I could think to tell him was that if they were willing to do what I said, then to spread the word that what I said was, “DO NOT GO VIOLENT. WE ARE PEACEFUL, WE ARE BETTER THAN THE OTHER SIDE, AND IF WE GO VIOLENT WE LOSE.”
January 6 played out as it did. As things are building towards a crescendo at the moment, it is time I give a more reasoned response. I ask that any militia and patriotic Americans who read this essay to please retransmit it far and wide, on Twitter, on DarkWeb, on morse code, on African drums, on whatever means you use, in the next 24 hours.
A few years ago I found myself in Moldava, in Eastern Europe. Conversing with a barman one evening in Chisinau, he told me of their 2009 elections. They had been rigged, and a communist, pro-Russian party had “won” the rigged election. Crowds formed around towns and cities in Moldava to protest.
Hundreds of men started drifting into Chisinau (the capital) on buses, trains, and foot, nondescript men who took up lodging in hostels and shelters and camps at the outskirts of towns. The barman said, “We knew they were Russians, sent by Putin.” As the street protests grew, these men would infiltrate the crowds and then start working them, both following along but nudging the crowds, trying to turn the crowds violent, getting them not just to protest in front of government buildings, but riling them up, getting them to charge, to break windows, to storm government buildings.”
He told me that the Moldovans had caught on, and resisted letting themselves be turned into violent crowds. Why? “Because we had the mass of Moldovans behind us. But if we had stormed government buildings, if we had attacked police or broken government windows, the middle class would have deserted us. We were fighting for their support, and we knew they were watching and trying to figure out whether or not to back us. But the middle class will never back the side that they see as violent, the ones who are going to disrupt things and start the civil war that they fear more than anything.”
Patriotic Moldovans had spread the word to stay disciplined, and while there were isolated instances of breaking of government windows, by and large the Moldovans had resisted letting these men lead them in that direction. As a result the Moldovan general population stayed backing them, and they won. A new election was run, this time cleanly, the communist, pro-Russian side got trounced, and Moldova preserved its independence from Russian hegemony.
The French have a term for such infiltrators: agents provocateurs. “Provoking agents”. It is a long-term technique of secret police, tracing back at least to the days of the Ohkranka (the secret police of the Russian Czar). Instead of trying to defeat a mass of protesters with violence, one defeats the protestors by salting them with these secret agents, agents provocateurs, who provoke the crowds of protestors into doing things that will lose support of the middle classes.
In the days and weeks leading up to January 6 I warned crowds on numerous occasions not to turn violent.
I told them that we should not do so because first, “We’re better than that, we are better than the goons who have been burning cop cars and police stations for 9 months, and we are going to show it to America.” But second, I told people, “We lose if we turn violent. It is the one thing we can do that will ensure that we lose.”
Perhaps I should have given this history lesson to explain my reasoning.
In any case, it looks to me like the terrible events of January 6 at the US Capitol were to a substantial degree a playing out of just such a plan on the part of the Goon Left. Every day brings more evidence of this possibility (cf. “EXTRAORDINARY: Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot (https://thenationalpulse.com/news/chat-logs-rally-plot-trump/),” National Pulse, January 15). Yes it is sinister of them to have done that, but it was weak and undisciplined for those of the pro-Constitution side to let themselves be led to storm the Capitol as they were.
In the next few days there is going to be ample opportunity to remember this lesson. Patriots around America are forming and congregating at state capitols. I want you to remember that the true purpose of the mission is to win (and keep won) the hearts and minds of that vast bulk of the citizenry for whom we are fighting to preserve our way of life as a constitutional republic, and not being taken over by the Goon-Left. Tempting as it may be to squash the latte-boys like bugs, I urge my fellow patriotic Americans to resist that urge, and to remember what the ultimate goal is: we are to keep the American middle on our side. This is all about narratives. I know that in any of these stand-offs that are about to occur, you could crush the other side in a New York minute if you wanted to. And satisfying as that might be to do to the latte-boys, if the result is endless TV news-cycles of “militias composed of bullies with American flags beating up harmless Americans,” we will have lost. And Nancy Pelosi will have won.
So the goal at all times must be for our side to keep the moral high ground. The 1st Amendment covers us too, we get the right to peaceably assemble too, but unlike the Goon-Left we do so in a disciplined, controlled, non-mob-like way. The other side will try to provoke us, but we are like Shaolin monks: We “walk on past the barking dogs”, as Master Kim, my martial arts master, told me so many decades ago. “When a dog barks at you, you don’t feel a need to bark back at it, or to run over and kick the dog: you walk past the barking dog.” Similarly, in the days, weeks, and months ahead as we constitutionally-oriented Americans publicly make our positions known, we do not get in screaming matches with the Goon-Left, we do not let our tempers rise. We let them bark all they want while we maintain our discipline, poise, and calmness. That is how we show the American people who we are, and who the Goons really are. It is how we win.
Of course, if and only if the dogs actually attack, not just bark but attack, at that point you have the right of all free men and women to defend yourselves, with whatever minimum of force lets you resolve the situation safely. Just remember, however, the Goons think they win if they can make you be violent in front of the TV cameras. And they are right, they will win….. unless you have shown such a preponderance of control that no reasonable observer could question that they were the aggressors, and you were exercising your right to self-defence.
Let me address what happens after Tuesday. I remain hopeful that some stroke of luck, some intervention of the Gods, prevents us ever really having to deal with an Imposter President name Joe Biden. But for the moment, let us consider the possibility that this is what happens.
If it does, Nancy Pelosi is going to be praying for you good patriotic Americans to be violent.
Because no matter the blind eye she has turned to nine months of political violence from the Left, she will decry anything you pro-Constitutionalists do as “extremism”, and she will seek to bring the forces of law enforcement at local, state, and federal levels against you. The Left will have the situation of which they always dreamed: all the forces of the government will be brought down on any movement put together by pro-freedom, pro-Constitution Americans. Gun seizures, interment camps…
If that unfortunate day arrives, there is actually a beautiful solution. We are not going to fall into their trap by going violent. Instead, we are going to get shirts, signs, and buttons that simply say, “Not My President” and “No Justice No Peace”. Just like we have seen them wear for four years. We are going to exercise our Constitutional right to wear such buttons publicly, in restaurants and airports and in parades of our own. It will be far more effective than armed parades, because they strip Nancy of her “extremism” argument. Yet in their own way such statements will be more intolerable to the Left than anything else we can do. If we get violent they will be able to handle it (and win) with overwhelming response on their own (once they own the State). But a simple parade of people with signs that say, “Not My President” and “No Justice No Peace” will blow mental fuses for them. What are they going to do, say statements that they have made for four years, are themselves now extremist? No courts will support that. On the other hand, they will not be able to turn a blind eye to such statements, as a key part of their plan is normalizing the new world they have invented, and a public display from large amounts of citizens that we do not buy into that new world will be something to which they simply cannot turn a blind eye. It will put them in the position of having to be the aggressors, the ones who have to look unquestionably goon-like before the people. It will force them unequivocally into the role of the aggressor. And that is how they will lose whatever support of the people they have been able to muster .
But I get ahead of myself. I still have great hope that something extraordinary is going to happen this week. I do not know what it is, but my faith is there, for in moments like this I take comfort in an observation from that old wise man of Prussia:
“God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”
– Otto von Bismarck
Patrick M. Byrne, PhD
Quoted From DeepCapture.com